Webacula is an intuitive graphical interface that allows performing Bacula backup, restore and monitoring operations (except file configuration edition).
This is a fork of Webacula with some modifications:
- Bacula 9.x compatibility
- Huge speed improvement in restore file selection
- Minor changes in styles CSS
- Small changes in layout of volume/pools tab
- Better method to convert bytes to human readable
- Added new setting days_to_show_jobs_terminated feature (Terminated jobs can show more than 1 day) (https://github.com/tim4dev/webacula/pull/8)
- Added new setting date_format and datetime_format (Option to modify date/time format)
- New field to show when volumes will expire
- Set default password for root: bacula (just leave ‘webacula_root_pwd’ empty in db.conf)
- New feature – show schedules screen
Follow the instructions:
##################################################################################### # Steps for installing Bacula in Debian (tested in Debian >= 8.0 ) # ##################################################################################### # Considering have you already installed Bacula... # Update packages apt-get update # Install Deps apt-get install sudo php5 php5-gd php5-dev php5-mcrypt php5-curl mysql-server php5-mysqlnd php5-pgsql # If Debian 9.0 - apt-get install sudo php php-gd php-dev php-mcrypt php-curl mysql-server php-mysqlnd php-pgsql # If Centos - yum install httpd php php-gd php-mysql php-pgsql # Config PHP timezone do PHP # Edit the file /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and change 'date.timezone' and 'max_execution_time' E.g. vim /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini # If Debian 9.0 - vi /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini date.timezone = America/Sao_Paulo max_execution_time = 3600 # Download the new Webacula cd /var/www wget -c https://github.com/wanderleihuttel/webacula/archive/7.5.2.tar.gz tar xvzf 7.5.2.tar.gz mv webacula-7.5.2 webacula # Generate a Webacula password cd /var/www/webacula/install/ php password-to-hash.php PASSWORD # where PASSWORD is your password # The output should be like "$P$BN7e27dudrIi7LHaYs91bRAIZULVR60" # Edit the file /var/www/webacula/install/db.conf # Fill the fields with your MySQL credentials db_name='bacula' db_user='bacula' db_pwd='bacula' webacula_root_pwd='' # If you leave webacula_root empty the default user is 'root' and password is 'bacula'. # Is possible to change after login. # Create Webacula tables in Bacula database (change to Pgsql if it is the case) cd /var/www/webacula/install/MySql ./10_make_tables.sh ./20_acl_make_tables.sh # Edit the file /var/www/webacula/application/config.ini # Fill the fields with bacula MySQL credentials db.adapter = PDO_MYSQL db.config.host = localhost db.config.username = bacula db.config.password = "" db.config.dbname = bacula def.timezone = "America/Sao_Paulo" # Path for bacula binaries. If you have problems just leave empty the sudo config bacula.sudo = "/usr/bin/sudo" bacula.bconsole = "/usr/sbin/bconsole" bacula.bconsolecmd = "-n -c /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf" # Grant permission for folders and files cd /var/www chown -R www-data.www-data /var/www/webacula chown www-data /usr/sbin/bconsole chown www-data /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf chmod 775 /etc/bacula chmod 777 /var/www/webacula/data/cache # Configure Apache Server cp /var/www/webacula/install/apache/webacula.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/webacula.conf # Edit webacula.conf and modify with necessary Allows with machines IP address that will access Webacula. E.g.: vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/webacula.conf ... Allow from all # Enabed Rewrite Mode of Apache a2enmod rewrite # Enable webacula.conf cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/ a2ensite webacula.conf service apache2 restart # Grant permissions for the user www-data execute bconsole <<< echo "www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/bconsole" >> /etc/sudoers # Create bacula OS group groupadd bacula # Add www-data user to group bacula usermod -aG bacula www-data # Use your browser to access Webacula - e.g. http://server_ip_address/webacula
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