Bacula Navy Ministry Deploy Case
Bacula Community 7.0.5 Deploy / Training Backup objects: Lotus Notes, file servers, web systems etc.; Bacula Server: Novell Suse 11 SP3 Storage: IBM TS 3100 Clients: Novell Suse 11 SP3, 10…
Bacula Community 7.0.5 Deploy / Training Backup objects: Lotus Notes, file servers, web systems etc.; Bacula Server: Novell Suse 11 SP3 Storage: IBM TS 3100 Clients: Novell Suse 11 SP3, 10…
Baculum is a GUI that allows you to change settings of your Bacula, and submit backup, restore etc. a) Make sure that the dependencies are installed (Debian 8): apt-get install…
[glt language="Portuguese" label="Português" image="yes" text="yes" image_size="20"] Deploy, Configure, Manage, Report, Optimize.BWeb Management Suite™. The simple GUI that makes advanced backup technology easy for data center staff.Now you can easily exploit…
Great success with a great team. Features: Windows, Linux & HP-UX clients. Tape Libraries IBM TS3200 e TS3100. Debian 8 Bacula Director. Bat and bacula-web GUI.
Sucesso absoluto. Turma de altíssimo nível, com profissionais aptos a montar e administrar o Bacula. A maioria quer armazenar os backups em disco, será uma tendência?
1. Solve Deps: zypper install postgresql91-server postgresql91-devel readline-devel mtx mt_st gcc gcc-c++ make zlib-devel 2. Start Postgres: /etc/init.d/postgresql start 3. Edit pg_hba.conf to allow local connections (e.g: change from ident to trust): vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf…
Mantis Direct link.
Each Oracle database approach may have it's advantages and drawbacks. Consult your company DBA to find out what is more suitable. On both methods is high advisable to set Oracle…
The best approach to Microsoft Exchange backup relies on it's own organization. Since having only one file to store the database can slow backup, restoring and eventual differential backups, it's…
This is the fastest, easiest, most automated and economic way of doing hot backups of specific application such Postgresql, Mysql, Firebird, Oracle, LDAP databases; Xen and Kvm Virtual Machines export…
The implementation of the classic GFS strategy in "Bacula" takes place through two configurations: 1. At least 03 (three) distinct Pools At least Daily, Weekly and Monthly Pools need to…