There are many tutorials on the Internet to send event notifications from Zabbix by Whatsapp, so I thought why not adapt to send Bacula notifications. To perform sending messages by Whatsapp, it is used an API called Yowsup.
Yowsup is a python library that enables you build application which use WhatsApp service. Yowsup has been used to create an unofficial WhatsApp client Nokia N9 through the Wazapp project which was in use by 200K + users as well as another fully featured unofficial client for Blackberry 10
Required dependencies to install using apt-get
apt-get install python-dateutil python-protobuf python-pycryptopp python-argparse python-dev libncurses5-dev python-pip libjpeg62 libjpeg-dev python-imaging python-pillow
Required dependencies to install using pip
(Pip is a package management system used to install and manage software packages written in Python)
pip install python-axolotl-curve25519 pyreadline pillow yowsup2 --upgrade
After installing the dependencies you need to create a text file in /etc/whatsapp.conf with the following content:
############################# cc=1 # country code phone=1XXXXXXXXXXXX #country code + netwok area + number id=Whatsapp Message password= ############################# cc = country code phone = country code + network area + number id = any string or name or phone number password = keep empty
Requesting a registration code
Please note: You need a unique number for this purpose, because if you use your own number, it can be blocked by reason of being used in two devices at the same time.
############################# # yowsup-cli registration --requestcode sms --config /etc/whatsapp.conf # Resultado do comando: INFO:yowsup.common.http.warequest:{"status":"sent","length":6,"method":"sms","retry_after":424,"sms_wait":424,"voice_wait":64} status: sent retry_after: 424 length: 6 method: sms #############################
Registering on WhatsApp
After running the above command you should receive in a few minutes an SMS with the activation code, which is usually composed of 6 characters.
Replace the command below the code you received via SMS
############################# # yowsup-cli registration --register XXX-XXX --config /etc/whatsapp.conf # Command output INFO:yowsup.common.http.warequest:{"status":"ok","login":"1XXXXXXXXXX","pw":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX","type":"new","expiration":1484219934,"kind":"free","price":"US$0.99","cost":"0.99","currency":"USD","price_expiration":1455849712} status: ok kind: free pw: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX price: US$0.99 price_expiration: 1455849712 currency: USD cost: 0.99 expiration: 1484219934 login: 1XXXXXXXXXX type: new #############################
Get the value obtained in the field pw and include in /etc/whatsapp.conf file in the password field. Now, it is already possible to send messages using youwsup.
Sending a whatsapp message
yowsup-cli demos --config /etc/whatsapp.conf --send 1XXXXXXXXXXdddfone "whatsapp message"
For sending to a whatsapp group, the process is a kind different.
Is necessary create a new group or use an existing one and add the in group, the number that will be used to send the messages.
To find the group number, type the following command in the terminal, and send a message in the group:
yowsup-cli demos --config /etc/whatsapp.conf --echo -d
After sending the message in the group the output of the command will look as follows:
DEBUG:yowsup.layers.logger.layer:rx: <message participant="" notify="Wanderlei" from="" type="text" id="B24FA2E8747BE2E3C8EFBDA4C6EF2F" t="1455910903"> <body> Teste HEX:5465737465 </body> </message> #############################
The group number is the value in the field from:
Create an script file /etc/bacula/scripts/ and give permission a+x.
(For the Emoji works properly it is necessary that the file is in UTF8 encoding)
###################################################################################### #!/bin/bash # /etc/bacula/scripts/ # function bytes to humanreadable b2h(){ SLIST=" bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB, ZB, YB" POWER=1 VAL=$( echo "scale=2; $1 / 1" | bc) VINT=$( echo $VAL / 1024 | bc ) while [ ! $VINT = "0" ] do let POWER=POWER+1 VAL=$( echo "scale=2; $VAL / 1024" | bc) VINT=$( echo $VAL / 1024 | bc ) done echo $VAL$( echo $SLIST | cut -f$POWER -d, ) } # fim da funcao # Variables HOUR=$(date +%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S) RECIPIENT_NUMBER="1XXXXXXXXXX" # or group number YOWSEXEC="/usr/local/bin/yowsup-cli" CONF="/etc/whatsapp.conf" LOG="/etc/bacula/log/whatsapp.log" # MySQL config DBUSER="bacula" DBPASSWORD="bacula" DBNAME="bacula" # Query to get Jobs from JobId sql_query="select Job.Name, Job.JobId,(select Client.Name from Client where Client.ClientId = Job.ClientId) as Client, Job.JobBytes, Job.JobFiles, case when Job.Level = 'F' then 'Full' when Job.Level = 'I' then 'Incremental' when Job.Level = 'D' then 'Differential' end as Level, (select Pool.Name from Pool where Pool.PoolId = Job.PoolId) as Pool, (select Storage.Name from JobMedia left join Media on (Media.MediaId = JobMedia.MediaId) left join Storage on (Media.StorageId = Storage.StorageId) where JobMedia.JobId = Job.JobId limit 1 ) as Storage, date_format( Job.StartTime , '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s' ) as StartTime, date_format( Job.EndTime , '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s' ) as EndTime, sec_to_time(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,Job.StartTime,Job.EndTime)) as Duration, Job.JobStatus, (select Status.JobStatusLong from Status where Job.JobStatus = Status.JobStatus) as JobStatusLong from Job where Job.JobId=$1" # Variables get the fields str=`echo -e "$sql_query" | mysql -u $DBUSER-p$DBPASSWORD -D $DBNAME -B | while read; do sed 's/t/|/g'; done` JobName=`echo $str | cut -d"|" -f1` JobId=`echo $str | cut -d"|" -f2` Client=`echo $str | cut -d"|" -f3` JobBytes=`b2h $(echo $str | cut -d"|" -f4)` JobFiles=`echo $str | cut -d"|" -f5` Level=`echo $str | cut -d"|" -f6` Pool=`echo $str | cut -d"|" -f7` Storage=`echo $str | cut -d"|" -f8` StartTime=`echo $str | cut -d"|" -f9` EndTime=`echo $str | cut -d"|" -f10` Duration=`echo $str | cut -d"|" -f11` JobStatus=`echo $str | cut -d"|" -f12` Status=`echo $str | cut -d"|" -f13` # Emojis # OK # # Not OK # # Header different in error status if [ "$JobStatus" == "T" ] ; then HEADER=">>>>> ? BACULA BAKUP ✅ <<<<<n" # OK else HEADER=">>>>> ? BACULA BAKUP ❌ <<<<<n" # Error fi # Message format MESSAGE="$HEADERnJobName=$JobNamenJobid=$JobIdnClient=$ClientnJobBytes=$JobBytesnJobFiles=$JobFilesnLevel=$LevelnPool=$PoolnStorage=$StoragenStartTime=$StartTimenEndTime=$EndTimenDuration=$DurationnJobStatus=$JobStatusnStatus=$StatusnAttempt=" MESSAGELOG="Message: JobName=$JobName | Jobid=$JobId | Client=$Client | JobBytes=$JobBytes | Level=$Level | Status=$Status" # Loop to try until message sent correctly COUNT=1 while [ $COUNT -le 20 ]; do echo "$(date +%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S) - Start message send (attempt $COUNT) ..." >> $LOG echo "$(date +%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S) - $MESSAGELOG" >> $LOG while [ $(ps -ef | grep yowsup | grep -v grep | wc -l) -eq 1 ]; do echo "$(date +%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S) - Yowsup still running, waiting 2 seconds before a new try ..." >> $LOG sleep 2; done; $YOWSEXEC demos --config $CONF --send $RECIPIENT_NUMBER "`echo -e "$MESSAGE${COUNT}"`" &>> $LOG RET=$? if [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then echo "$(date +%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S) - Attempt $COUNT executed successfully!" >> $LOG exit 0 else echo "$(date +%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S) - Attempt $COUNT failed!" >> $LOG echo "$(date +%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S) - Waiting 30 seconds before retry ..." >> $LOG sleep 30 (( COUNT++ )) fi done ######################################################################################
Change Bacula Config
You can set in a few some Jobs, but how I wanted in all, I set up in JobDefs. It should include the RunScript, as indicated below, save and do reload in bconsole:
JobDefs { Name = "DefaultJob" Type = Backup Level = Incremental Client = bacula-fd FileSet = "FileSetBacula" Schedule = "WeeklyCycle" Messages = Standard Pool = "File" SpoolAttributes = yes Priority = 10 Write Bootstrap = "/etc/bacula/working/%c.bsr" RunScript { Command = "/etc/bacula/scripts/ %i" RunsWhen = After RunsOnFailure = yes RunsOnClient = no RunsOnSuccess = yes # execute in all jobs } }
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