Por: Lender Gomes – Esp. em Redes Linux
To join the Domain we will use the Closed In Directory (CID) project which is a Shell Script solution that automates the procedure of configuring a Linux distro as a member of an Active Directory (AD) domain using Samba.
1. In Ubuntu and its derivations, you can install the Closed in Directory (CID) through available packages in the PPA repository.
add-apt-repository ppa:emoraes25/cid && apt-get update apt-get install cid cid-gtk
2. Configure your DNS according to your Active Directory infrastructure
3. Integrate Active Directory
cid join domain=empresa.lan user=Administrator pass=********
4. After the welcome messages it is recommended to reboot the machine
5. In the Bweb-Bweb configuration menu, enable the system authentication option and uncheck security.
6. Edit the /opt/bweb/etc/httpd.conf file and comment out the lines for lighttpd authentication
#auth.backend = "htpasswd" #auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile = "/opt/bweb/etc/htpasswd.bweb" #auth.require = ( "/" => #( #"method" => "basic", #"realm" => "Password protected area", #"require" => "valid-user" #) #)
From the BWeb Configuration menu – Users, create the users with the same name that they have in Active Directory, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. BWeb User Management Menu
Now new users can authenticate to Bweb with the same AD name and password.
Reference: https://sourceforge.net/projects/c-i-d/
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