IT organizations are constantly being challenged to deliver high-quality solutions with a reduced total cost of ownership. One of those challenges is the growing amount of data to be backed up, together with limited space to keep backups. Another major challenge is to provide adequate off-site backup. Bacula offers several ways to tackle these challenges, one of them being Bacula Cloud Backup, which writes Bacula Volumes to S3 and Swift compatible cloud services, such as Google S3, Amazon, Azure, Rackspace, Ceph etc.
Native S3, Swift3 and OpenStack Swift Storage Cloud Support
Cloud storage has been around for a number of years, but until recently, it was not very interesting for backup because of the lack of bandwidth for uploading and downloading the large volumes of data that today’s backups use. With the advent of fibre optics and high-speed copper Internet connections, the Cloud has become a viable and cost-effective solution for either primary or off-site data backup.
Bacula Systems has implemented in Bacula Enterprise 8.8.0 drivers for backup and restore to and from any S3 compatible cloud whether public or private. The architecture of the Bacula Enterprise cloud backup is new, and it will provide the user
with an array of features to keep the cloud costs to a minimum and the performance to a maximum.
To provide this new Cloud functionality we have made significant changes to the Storage daemon backend device architecture. The new Bacula version is more modular and permits the devices to select from multiple drivers to handle different Cloud technologies. For the first release, we have included an S3 driver that is compatible with a large number of S3 cloud services. There is also a Cloud File driver that is useful for testing the Cloud architecture without requiring a Cloud account, and could possibly be useful for a disk media device that is very slow.
For more information on Cloud Plugin, contact us.
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