Business Continuity: Disaster Recovery and Guarding Against Ransomware
Cyber threats and ransomware attacks are set to increase significantly in 2020, and every company needs to take a renewed look at its data security strategy and policies.
Don’t miss this exclusive webcast from Bacula that presents a clear and structured opportunity for an organization to make sure that its last and most critical line of defence – backup and recovery – is always effective. That includes having a backup and recovery solution that is itself resilient from attack, together with a Disaster Recovery strategy that is proven to work correctly. This webcast explores what business continuity stakeholders have to do to protect their companies, using best practices and state-of-the-art backup and recovery techniques.
Presentations will cover both a technical aspect and also from a Business Continuity point of view – from Bacula Systems CEO, Frank Barker and Co-founder Arno Lehmann.
Event Details
APR 2, 2020 | 12:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time | 60 Minutes
Disponível em: Português (Portuguese (Brazil))
Español (Spanish)